Football live streams The verdict in the case of Man City can be announced at the end of January. Accusations 130, not 115, with a decrease in the classroom, the commission may postpone the execution of punishment before the appeal (The Ti

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The verdict in the Manchester City case can be announced in January. In February 2023, the Premier League accused Manchester City of 115 different violations of financial rules from 2009 to 2018. On Friday, the hearing ended.
According to The Times, this is not about 115, but about 130 violations-when the Premier League only announced the accusations, confusion has arisen regarding some rules. The League had to make edges.
It is claimed that a collegium of three people will be well aware of the attention that is cooked to business, and will make every effort to make its decision as soon as possible. According to a senior source from legal circles, this can happen at the end of January. However, the number of accusations and the complexity of the case can lead to the announcement of the verdict can be postponed.
City may be deprived of a large number of points or lowered in the class if the most serious accusations are proved. In this case, the club by partners of live-stream will almost certainly appeal, which can take from six to eight months to consideration.
If a decision is made to transfer citizens to the lower division, the board may postpone the execution of the sentence before considering the appeal.
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